Is There A Septic Tank That Never Needs Emptying?

which Septic Tanks Never Needs Emptying

Key points • Never-ending Composting: Some septic tanks just keep breaking down waste naturally. They do this non-stop so there’s no need to clean them out as frequently. • High-tech Septic Systems: There are septic tanks with fancy tech that clean the waste so well, you might not have to empty them as frequently, but … Read more

Septic Tank Landscaping Ideas

septic tank landscaping ideas

Key points • Pick the Right Plants: Choose plants with shallow roots like grasses, flowers that come back each year, and ones you need to replant every year. Trees and bushes have deep roots that could break your septic tank and pipes. The right plants will cover the drain field without causing problems. • Easy … Read more

The Impact of Tampons on Septic Systems

Impact of Tampons on Septic Tank

The Science of Decay Here’s where things get interesting. Your septic tank is a hotbed of bacterial activity. Those microbes are in heaven as they feast on the waste you provide. It’s like an eat-all-you-want deal for them. Their feasting helps break down the organic junk, keeping solid buildup low so your system doesn’t jam … Read more

Why Does My House Have A Sewer Odor?

Why Does My House Smell Like Sewer

Key points • Sewer Gas Leakage: If your home reeks of sewage, it might be because there’s a hole or crack in your sewer line. Or perhaps, your drain system has a dry trap. These issues can let stinky sewer gases slip into your place – and they aren’t just nasty, they could be bad … Read more

Benefits of Infiltrator Septic Systems

What is a infiltrator septic system

Key Points • An Infiltrator septic system is a modern choice instead of the usual gravel and pipe setup. It’s made up of easy-to-fit, tough parts that are also simple to keep up. • The environmental efficiency of the infiltrator system stands out. It supports top-notch wastewater treatment by offering a big area for soil … Read more

How to Unclog a Drain Field

How to Unclog a Drain Field

Key points • Keep Up With Upkeep: Make sure you check and look after your drain field regularly to stop blockages. Cut down on how much water you use and don’t throw fats, oils, or things that won’t break down into the trash instead of your drains. Also, keep your septic tank in good shape. … Read more

The Role of Yeast in Septic Tanks

Historical Context of Yeast Use in Waste Management

Key Points • The Job of Yeast: Sprinkling yeast into septic tanks can speed up the breakdown of starches and organic waste. This helps the septic system work better. • The Yeast Argument: Experts are split on whether adding yeast to septic tanks is helpful since the bacteria that naturally live there usually handle waste … Read more